Terms of Business:
​We want to manage your claim with as little interruption to you as possible.
It is important for us that you understand what we are doing for you and how this all works.
If you are unsure about anything at any time, then please feel free to contact us.
Our terms and conditions have been compiled by us understanding the needs of the client and what they expect from us.
Please read our terms and conditions as set out below before proceeding with our service.
The purpose of this documentation is to establish the rules under this agreement and to clarify our respective responsibilities. Please return a signed copy of these terms and conditions at your earliest convenience. However, do have regard to the fact that continuing to communicate, and your instructions will constitute an acceptance of these terms unless we hear from you to the contrary in writing.
Our services:
We will provide an introductory service to you in relation to conducting a capital allowance claim to the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as set out in our proposal.
You (the Client) are consenting to the following rules and responsibilities
You agree to provide all the necessary and correct information and documents as requested by us to enable Property Tax Refund Centre (Claims) Limited to adequately provide full and proper advice.
You retain the responsibility of providing complete and accurate information and documents at all times.
To keep us up to date with any changes in your circumstances that could have an impact upon your tax liability and any advice provided to you thereafter.
Our initial email to you will contain the information you provided, property purchase price, date, owner and additional unclaimed enhancement expenditure. You should let us know by return email if it is incorrect and or needs amending in any way. You have stated that no previous claim has been made on the property/s or the enhanced expenditure and that the expenditure relates to embedded items only. This information will be used to submit a claim on your behalf. You are fully responsible for the claim.
We will give you any and all information sufficient for clients to gain a practical and workable understanding of the process but every client retains a responsibility to conduct their own due diligence before engaging our services.
Once we receive the agents tax authorisation code, that is acceptance that you agree to our claim percentages and that you are authorising, Property Tax Refund Centre (Claims) Ltd to submit on your behalf.
Our Responsibilities (Property Tax Refund Centre Limited).
We act as an introducer for our partner firm Property Tax Refund Centre (Claims) Limited, which retains the responsibility of preparing and submitting the Capital Allowances Claim alongside the relevant tax returns to HMRC.
Their advice is tailored to the most tax-efficient use of the capital allowances.
It is their responsibility to deal with all enquiries from the HMRC in relation to your capital tax allowances claim.
And are responsible for attending any meetings in relation to your matter.
And are responsible for providing any information as is required by HMRC to agree on the claim, provided that such information has also been submitted to them, by you, in a timely manner.
We are neither responsible nor accept any liability for any claims submitted by a third party.
Their services may include telephone conversations, attendance meetings, and written advice. However, the type of correspondence that takes place will be both dependent upon what you require and what is necessary in your case.
Timing of engagement
Our services will commence once you have completed the following: Once you reply to our initial email, send us your Tax Authorisation Code, signed our Terms & Conditions or Agreement, or communicated in another way that you wish to proceed, provided us with written confirmation of your agreement either through email or letter.
Any site visit actual or virtual documentation/report will remain our property and we can elect not to share this with you. You have not paid us for this document. Site visits are to establish that a property exists.
In the event that any monies taken as fees need to be return to the client, then we will have 48 months to make the payments in full.
We are not responsible for interest or penalties applied by HMRC.
These Terms & Conditions will remain effective until either replaced or revised and you will then be notified.
Termination of agreement
Either party to this contract may terminate the contract without penalty if one of the provisions apply below:
You have been unsuccessful in your claim to HMRC
Right to cancel
The client has a right to cancel this contract within 7 days of the commencement date. Commencement date starts as soon as you reply to an email or by agreeing in an email or by sending us requested documents or by authorising a site visit and or us receiving the agents tax authorisation code or completing our agreement provided notice is given by email and sent to all three listed below:
sean@propertytaxrefundcentre.co.uk mark@propertytaxrefundcentre.co.uk
Fee Arrangements
By signing this agreement you are accepting the agreed fee to be 5% (excluding VAT) of the total Un-used Capital Allowances we identify and not on the refund amount.
The fee will be charged on a contingent basis, and it will be due following receipt of the repayment from HMRC or upon confirmation from us of reduced tax liability.
In the event HMRC refuses the claim, no fees will be due.
If no cash refund is available, of if HMRC pay you directly then you will be liable to pay the fee to Property Tax Refund Centre (Claims) Limited.
On completion of each successful claim, there is an additional fee of two hundred and fifty-pound (£250) administration fee per property. This is in addition to any capped or agreed fee.
VAT is to be added for any quotes or invoices provided.
Any and all figures provided are for illustrational purposes and may vary from the final claim figures.
The Directors of a Limited company or partners of a partnership that we are making a claim on behalf of, are jointly and severally guaranteeing personally that all fees will be paid within the payment terms agreed, should the limited company or partnership be unable to pay. Anyone signing or agreeing on a company’s/partnership behalf are also doing so with the agreement from the other Directors/Partners. If that is not the case then you should let us know by return email.
If you wish your accountant/agent or third party to submit the claim, then our fee is payable within 14 days of receiving our invoice.
Property Tax Refund Centre (Claims) Limited owes you a duty of care, in the respect of carrying out work agreed to the appropriate standard and to that the firm has in place Professional Indemnity Insurance.
As a result, there is no personal acceptance or assumption of responsibility by any member/employee or consultant of our firm, Property Tax Refund Centre Limited, in carrying out your work.
HMRC will make payments according to their rules and regulations and all clients have the opportunity to conduct their own due diligence.
Our marketing material, emails and communications use the word refund/s and/or relief which can mean a tax saving, a tax relief over time or a tax refund. All clients should be aware that the dynamics of each case may change after engagement with HMRC. A Refund may not be available and the value of your claim may be delivered as a tax relief (losses carried forward) over time.
House of Multiple Occupancy only qualify when an individual has all the day-to-day facilities within their room and does not need to share, kitchen, toilets, bathroom etc. We only do virtual site visits on HMO’s and it is up to you to tell us by return email if any rooms share any facilities.
​The information provided on this web site and emails is of a general nature. It is not a substitute for specific advice in your own circumstances. You are recommended to obtain specific professional advice from a professional accountant/tax advisor before you take any action or refrain from action. Whilst we endeavour to use reasonable efforts to furnish accurate, complete, reliable, error free and up-to-date information, we do not warrant that it is such. We and our associates disclaim all warranties.
​No employee of our company is authorised to make any agreement or contract without written consent (each agreement) from our Managing Director in the form of an email direct to the client.
Holiday lets / Airbnb
Your property must be available to let for 140 days or more in each tax year. You must actually let the property for 105 days or more in each tax year. No single letting can be for more than 31 days. If the letting does not meet the above, then you must let me know by return email.
We do not invoice until a payment from HMRC has been confirmed or confirmation by us of a reduced tax liability (losses carried forward), so there is no risk to yourself. Our five percent is based on the allowances claimed for and not on the refund. We make every effort possible to keep you in a positive position. Our fee is a standard industry rate of just five percent of the allowances we claim on which can equate to between fifteen to twenty five percent of the savings.
We can claim on both, however for leasehold you may need to have at least a 26 year lease.
If that is not the case then you need to let us know by return email.
How does it work
When HMRC pays a refund, they will pay an initial 18% cash payment of the whole refund and the remaining 82% of the claim will be paid at 18% of the balance remaining, until it has all been used. A cash refund is only available if you have paid enough tax. If you have paid some tax, then there will be a smaller cash refund and tax on account (losses carried forward) If you do not have any cash to come back then 100% will be classed as losses carried forward (on account) and can be utilised for future tax owed.
We would expect the refund to more than cover our fees, however, if it does not then we will work with you to reach a mutual agreement. Any site visit/virtual/real are for our benefit only. We do not supply detailed/itemised reports and percentages are in our opinion only.